Writing this blog post on marijuana and affiliate marketing just a few short years ago would have been impossible.
The subject matter was illegal.
But marijuana has become more mainstream, especially since California and Colorado legalized its use, with other states looking at legalizing medical marijuana as a start.
Starting from zero, the cannabis industry is projected to be worth US$66.3 billion within the next five years.
Now, we’ve already researched CBD programs in a different post, so this time we’re just going to focus instead on marijuana affiliate programs.
Because they’re different things.
The reality is that it’s only a matter of time before marijuana is legalized in most Western countries.
So, right now is a good time to position yourself in the cannabis niche.
Let’s take a look at what cannabis affiliate programs are available to you.
Marijuana Affiliate Programs
- Air Vape USA Affiliate Program
- Gorilla Grow Tent Affiliate Program
- Herbalize Store Affiliate Program
- Lotus Nutrients Affiliate Program
- Bloomgrove Affiliate Program
- The Bud Grower Affiliate Program
- Aero Garden Affiliate Program
- DaVinci Vaporizers Affiliate Program
- Seedsman Cannabis Affiliate Program
1Air Vape USA

Regardless of the media hysteria, vaping is as popular now as it ever has been.
This is especially true of people who still prefer to inhale their medical marijuana.
But when they use something like the Air Vape they’re avoiding all the potentially harmful side-effects of traditional “smoking”.
Instead, they simply place their loose-leaf cannabis inside what is apparently the world’s thinnest vaporizer, set the temperature, and simply inhale.
Something else that sets it apart from its competitors is that it’s also smell resistant, so your personal habits stay personal.
AirVape products are also suitable for use with concentrates, so you get the best of both worlds in one vape.
We had to kind of toss a coin here on whether or not to include this program in our roundup of cannabis affiliate programs.
But their EPC won us over – a respectable $65.82.
So although this program might not have a ton of activity, what it does have is making money for its affiliates.
- URL: AirVape affiliate program
- Commission: 15%
- EPC: $65.82
- Cookie duration: 30 days
2Gorilla Grow Tent

This has nothing to do with the Gorilla Grow brand, but I instantly thought of Ricky from Trailer Park Boys when I found this program.
But let’s leave the cultural references to one side, and look at the products at hand.
Gorilla Grow Tents are – as you might have figured out by now – indoor grow tents suitable for soil or hydroponic marijuana growers.
These are ideal for people who want to grow their own medical marijuana but don’t have the time or knowledge to build their own tents.
Is there anything else that makes them more sellable?
They claim to be the strongest grow tent available, and have been voted “Best Grow Tent”.
One very neat feature is that these tents are height adjustable, so as your plants get taller you simply extend your Gorilla Grow Tent instead of having to buy a new one.
Customers spend an average of $1,600 per transaction on Gorilla Tent products.
So, with a 5% affiliate commission rate, affiliates stand to make almost $100 per sale.
And although this might appear to be a very niche item to promote, an EPC of $181 says otherwise.
- URL: Gorilla Grow Tent affiliate program
- Commission: 5%
- EPC: $181.00
- Cookie duration: 60 days
3Herbalize Store

The Herbalizer Store supplies as complete a range of portable vaporizers as we’ve ever seen.
But they also supply pretty much everything else a 420 fan might need, including portable and desktop dry herb vaporizers.
Your visitors will also find glass bongs and pipes, grinders of all shapes and sizes, dabbing rigs (no, not the dance move), and all the accessories they could ever need
They also have stores serving the US, Canada, and the UK, so that opens up lots of affiliate opportunities for you.
Something else worth mentioning is that a percentage of every sale goes towards planting more trees, so you’ll be doing your bit for the environment too.
As far as affiliate programs go there’s a lot to like here.
Firstly, affiliates can expect to make an average $15 commission payment for every sale.
But more important is their 30% conversion rate, so the more traffic you push their way the more money you can make.
If you don’t understand what we mean it’s basically this – if you send 9 people to their store, 3 of them will buy something.
And you’ll make $45 in return.
- URL: Herbalizer Store affiliate program
- Commission: 6%
- EPC: $264.37
- Cookie duration: 30 days
4Lotus Nutrients

Growing medicinal marijuana is something that can take a lot of trial and error, especially when it comes to keeping your plants healthy.
Lotus Nutrients takes all the guesswork out of that with their range of water-soluble powders designed for each stage of the growing process.
Each of their nutrient powders is made from 15 natural ingredients, giving your plants exactly what they need and when they need it.
These products are made by medicinal plant growers, for medicinal plant growers, combining decades of experience into one single range of products.
Affiliates for this program will receive an average commission of $98 per sale.
That’s just for promoting a range of nutrient products, and nothing more, through affiliate links.
And in even better news, most of the keywords around these products have a KD score of 12 or under.
Which means this is one of those programs we’d strongly suggest you consider signing up for.
- Commission: 10%
- EPC: $181
- Cookie duration: 60 days

Bloomgrove is just a little different from every other company we’ve featured so far.
They supply all the usual accessories for medical marijuana users like vaporizers, grinders and even torches.
But they’re, “…more than just a headshop”, and we’d have to agree.
Because they also sell tents, storage containers and even “cones”– they look like Camberwell Carrots to me…but I’m no expert.
And then our absolute favorite products – infusers, and even a device for making herb-infused butter.
Yes, “herb” butter.
They have a really solid range of tangential products that we couldn’t find anywhere else, or at least not in any affiliate program we can recommend.
So, out of the gate affiliates get paid 15% commission on all referred sales. But, top-performing affiliates can receive a bump to a 20% commission rate.
Apparently, they’ll even customize their affiliate marketing creatives (banner ads) to your specific needs.
And with an absolutely massive EPC of $396, we’d put money on them cutting some seriously impressive affiliate checks each month.
- URL: Bloomgrove affiliate program
- Commission: 15%
- EPC: $369.82
- Cookie duration: 90 days
6The Bud Grower

The Bud Grower came about as the result of one man’s frustration at not being able to buy everything he needed to grow his medicinal marijuana in one place.
He basically wanted a complete, soup-to-nuts, indoor grow kit…but couldn’t find one.
So he developed his own and now sells them to other people.
Each of The Budgrower kits contains everything your visitors would need to grow your own plants.
This includes the seeds, a grow tent, timers, pots, containers, lamps, rope hangers, and even the soil/potting mix.
And they’re somehow managing to do this at roughly 65% off what you’d pay in a store or from their competitors.
They also have an online knowledge base that teaches you the basics of growing your own plants and herbs.
On average people spend around $640 in a single online order, which equates to one of their standard grow kits plus a handful of accessories.
Each “average” order sent via your affiliate links is worth $74 in affiliate commissions to you.
So that’s not to be sneezed at.
- URL: Bud Grower affiliate program
- Commission: 11.5%
- EPC: $134.65
- Cookie duration: 30 days
7Aero Garden

It’s a sad fact of life, but some of us have greener fingers than others.
For example, I kill every single plant I try to grow…with the exception of potatoes, for some weird reason.
The Aero Garden is perfect for those of you who want to grow plants but suffer from the same curse I do.
These are electronically controlled hydroponic systems designed for indoor use – they actually look kind of like plant pots with a digital display.
But the neat thing is they can also be used to grow medical marijuana, and without using even the tiniest scrap of soil.
This link explains how the process works.
No other site made this connection, so we just gave you an unfair advantage.
The Aero Garden program pays affiliates a rather odd 7.5% commission.
And because these products are modular in nature you can expect your visitors to make multiple purchases.
Each of which will be worth around $7 to you.
- URL: Aero Garden affiliate program
- Commission: 7.5%
- EPC: $54.31
- Cookie duration: 30 days
8DaVinci Vaporizers

DaVinci Vaporizers were created for one specific purpose and that’s for heating loose-leaf herbs and plants so you can inhale their medicinal properties.
They’re not e-cigs masquerading as marijuana vapes – you can’t use CBD oil or concentrates in them.
These vaporizers have even won awards– namely the 2017 Spannabis Award for “Best Product”.
You can also use the DaVinci IQ app to track your usage of their products, which is a nice touch.
If your visitors are looking for a stylish vape which also allows precise control of the heating temperature and airflow, then they’ll probably love the IQ2 vape.
What makes this program even more attractive for affiliates is the average commission – $48.
That’s 3x what similar programs payout.
Plus, their ‘Power Rank’ score means that lots of affiliates are making a lot of money promoting these products.
- URL: DaVinci Vaporizers affiliate program
- Commission: 20%
- EPC: $141.48
- Cookie duration: Up to 120 days

So, you can have all the growing equipment and accessories in the world but without the right cannabis seeds, you’ll never grow high-quality medical marijuana.
And that’s where the nice people at Seedsman step into the picture.
Growers all over the world have relied on Seedsman as their go-to online seed bank since 2003, and their products are now more popular than ever.
Each of their medical seeds is categorized based on your given health issue, so there’s no guesswork involved in what you should plant and grow.
Discreet shipping comes as standard, and they also have a reputation for providing excellent customer service.
We broke our own rule here by including an affiliate program without EPC metrics, but Seedsman is one of the most trusted companies of its type in the world.
So we’ll update their affiliate metrics when we have more data.
Oh, they pay affiliates quarterly, and you also need a minimum balance of $100 to receive payment.
Just an FYI.
- URL: Seedsman affiliate program
- Commission: 15% and 5% for tier-2 referrals
- Cookie duration: TBC
Over to You
Cannabis is still illegal in many of the United States and most of the developed world…for now.
So the majority of the medical marijuana affiliate programs featured here are for supplies, accessories, cannabis seeds, grow kits, etc.
As always, there were tons of cannabis affiliate programs we’d love to have featured but couldn’t because they don’t have publicly available stats – particularly vendors like Smoke Cartel, Green Cultured, and Grower’s Choice Seeds.
In a deliberate effort to not muddy the roundup we also didn’t sneak in CBD oil programs or related affiliate marketing offers.
We have too much love for our readers and fans to attempt any such shenanigans.
Another reason for being straight with you is because we know most affiliate marketing “experts” are anything but.
In fact, most of them spend their time just trying to separate you from your cash.
But we’d just like to spend time with you – where we explain how to get started with affiliate marketing.
Just tell us which email address you’d like your free training invite sent to, and we’ll take care of the rest.
P.S. There’s never been a better time to get started. According to our affiliate marketing statistics, the average affiliate marketer is making more than $8,000 per month.